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Whitepaper: Diversity in Journalism

As the COVID-19 pandemic has developed, we’ve seen how important it is to understand the different ways different communities are being impacted by the same issues, and the responsibility the media has to share all of these stories so that no segment of the population goes unheard or underreported.
Our latest whitepaper Diversity in Journalism includes insight on the importance of diversity in newsrooms – and how the media can welcome more voices into its workforce – from a wide range of contributors.
BBC-trained broadcast journalist Hannah Ajala is a writer for I Am New Generation magazine and the founder of We Are Black Journos, celebrating and connecting Black journalists and broadcasters through events and networking. Sharing the ways journalism can improve support of and mentorship for new voices, Hannah lists tips for journalists looking to connect with the right people, increase their visibility and support their collectives and community to open up opportunities for everyone.
Filmmaker, consultant and former broadcast journalist Leon Mann is a founder of BCOMS (Black Collective of Media in Sport), a volunteer-run networking, support and campaigning organisation for Africans and Caribbeans working in UK sports media. Focusing on recruitment processes, Leon advocates for more creativity in reaching candidates, providing them with networking opportunities and demonstrating that diversity is an investment for the future of any company.
Freelancing for The Sunday Times and the British Journalism Review, Wendy Sloane is anAssociate Professor of Journalism at London Metropolitan University and Course Leader for its Journalism offering. Explaining how the London Met Journalism Diversity Network is opening doors into journalism work placements for students from diverse backgrounds, Wendy highlights the ‘win-win’ of diverse editorial teams reporting to their diverse audiences.
James Turner is Chief Executive of the Sutton Trust, working to address low social mobility in the UK and open up paths to success for every young person, regardless of their parents’ socio-economic backgrounds. Including important takeaways from the Sutton Trust’s Elitist Britain report of 2019, James highlights just how far away the UK media industry currently is from speaking to the whole of the nation it serves.
Sky Sports Senior Home Page Editor Jon Holmes is the founder of Sports Media LGBT+, a network group and consultancy advocating for inclusion across sport and the sports media. Taking practical steps to empower the whole workforce through LGBT+-inclusive cultures is Jon’s focus, encouraging greater ally-ship from those willing to stand up and support their colleagues, listen to them, and work with them to reflect the greater community.
Harry Roche is a Communications Assistant and Ambassador at Mencap and writes about those with learning disabilities as a hidden population. He explains that when he talks to the press, he’s considered a case study, and outlines the changes that need to be made for greater representation in the media.
Working internationally, the Media Diversity Unit encourages accurate and nuanced reporting on race, religion, ethnicity, class, age, disability, gender and sexual identity issues across the global media landscape. The use of fact-based language, awareness of unconscious bias and giving a voice to those who are most often left voiceless are recommended for building respect, trust and relationships with everyone the media should be representing, now and in the future.
Download the Diversity in Journalism whitepaper here.