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FTAdviser and Financial Adviser editorial changes


The Financial TimesFinancial Adviser publication and FTAdviser news portal have made a series of  changes to their editorial teams.

Simoney Kyriakou has been appointed to the role of Deputy Editor of Financial Adviser, replacing Taha Lokhandwala, who moved to his current role as Deputy Personal Finance Editor at the FT’s Investors Chronicle in March. Both can be followed on Twitter @MoorgateMermaid and @ICTaha respectively.

FTAdviser and Financial Adviser’s features and Content Plus teams will now be led by previous Content Plus Deputy Editor Ellie Duncan, who can be followed on Twitter @EllieCDuncan. Ellie will be assisted by Deputy Features Editor Melanie Tringham. 

News Editor Laura Miller will be leaving on 29 June, to begin a role at The Daily Telegraph as Senior Personal Finance Reporter on 9 July. Laura can be found tweeting @citizenlaura.

A replacement News Editor is to be hired, in addition to a Features Writer and Reporter.






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  • Simoney Kyriakou
  • Financial Times
    500 contacts
  • FTAdviser
    12 contacts
  • Investors Chronicle
    16 contacts
  • The Daily Telegraph
    441 contacts
  • Financial Adviser (Closed Dec 2020)

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